File No. 861.00/838
The Minister in Sweden (Morris) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 20, 10.36 a.m.]
1200. According Swedish press Agency Havas reports situation southern Russia unfavorable [to] Soviet government. Cossack [Page 654] government causes anxiety to Commissary Council. Fact Maximalists not reported battles proves [unfavorable?] position their troops. [Ukrainian forces disarming] Red Guards and opposing uniting Soldiers-Workmen’s Councils of district. Official communication established between government Kiev, Don, Terek, and Kuban Cossacks. Because position taken by Rada, Lenin, Trotsky threaten dissolve it and declare war. Lenin telegraphed Rada prohibiting stopping passage troops to Kuban and Don, assisting Kaledin, disarming Maximalist Red Guard troops, and removing Ukrainian troops from front. Unless satisfactory reply within forty-eight hours state war will exist with Soviet government. Petrograd telegraph bureau reports fighting around Odessa continues, under pressure representatives. Warship Sinope and two cruisers on side Bolsheviki. Meeting all organizations held, resolution passed all power put in hands Soldiers-Workmen’s Councils and executive organ of Rada. Strike in Kiev, Bolshevik troops sent against city.
Russian Ambassador, Tokyo, Krupenski, and London, Nabokov, ordered before revolutionary court because spread reports unfavorable Commissary government. If fail appear, property confiscated. Trotsky appeared at Peasant Congress, applauded by Maximalists and Social Revolutionists, but right protested, so impossible him speak. Stated to his supporters Germans protested against Russian demand regarding transfer troops, but finally Kühlmann and Czernin [agreed] to participate. Russian delegates to take up following questions: position toward Russian idea of peace without annexation, as to Poles in Ukrainia and Ukrainians in Austria, etc. When reply received delegates will come Petrograd discuss peace. Stated Allies had two months join peace movement but we have not promised not conclude separate peace; we cannot continue war ten years interest French stock exchange, English imperialists. Commissary Council issued following armistice signed Brest Litovsk. Operations east front cease for twenty-eight days. Have published secret treaties and will continue doing so, proclaiming Soviet government [not] bound by them; have declared all people right decide own fate. Only workmen’s revolutionary struggle against present governments Europe can bring democratic peace nearer. Russia has two aims making peace: (1) put end bloodshed soon as possible; (2) help workmen all countries break power capitalists and gain political control to conclude democratic peace and socially reconstruct Europe and all humanity.