File No. 861.00/848
The Consul at Tiflis (Smith) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 21, 7.04 a.m.]
Armistice concluded between Turks and Russia along the whole Caucasus front from December 18, duration until final treaty of peace is declared. May be terminated by either side on fourteen days’ notice. Line already demoralized from Trebizond to Lake Van, reserves and [omission] corps was separately draining their [Page 595] front. Cessation any reassembling units to date from 15th December also affects the Black Sea Fleet for which special committee both powers will be appointed. Russian troops already reported leaving their positions without orders in First and Second Corps, and staff endeavoring to form everywhere local volunteers. This is for civil administration and had no direct connection with the military loans extended by British Government. As railroads insufficient transport Rumanian Army as indicated in my telegram of December 11 and the Black Sea Fleet may be tied up by armistice, negotiations should be opened with Jewish circles [for] transport corps [by] merchant marine through Odessa to take place. General preparation armistice and foreign troops has been ordered [sic]. Turkish troops [omission?] Armenian corps, ordered formed immediately on the lines indicated in my report to General Scott last July. Government here doing all possible to cope with the situation and to keep line of front. The loan referred to in my telegrams of December 13 and 18 should be immediately authorized by cable. Office assistance urgently required at the Consulate. Have not received any instructions from the Department on the political military situation which renders my position with the authorities very difficult.