File No. 763.72/7926
The Special Representative (House) to the Secretary of State
[Received 9.50 p.m.]
Your 2864, November 27, 5 p.m., received December 1, 4 p.m., when I was in conference with Prime Ministers of England, of [Page 584] France, and of Italy discussing this very situation. The inclination of England, of France, and of Italy is to give encouragement to the Transcaucasian movement. Personally I consider it dangerous for the reason that it is encouraging internal disturbances without our having any definite program in mind or any force with which to back up a program. On the other hand if they are not given money or encouragement they may go to pieces. At conference it was decided by France, Italy, and England to send a French and British military mission from Rumania to Tiflis to Kaledin’s headquarters to confer with him and to ascertain what his program is. …