File No. 861.00/3130
The Ambassador in Russia (Francis) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 1, 5.34 p.m.]
532. Mobilization success beyond expectations; 1,500 Russians mobilized but Ironside says Durov weak man. If mutiny occurs Ironside thinks can manage but says will kill mobilization and I concur. Mobilized Russians disobeyed parade orders 29th. Durov addressed recalcitrants in two-hour speech to which corporal replied, then Durov asked if another soldier desired to talk, whereupon another corporal spoke and then about one thousand men attempted to speak at once. One grievance is Allied forces are given more meat than Russians, also given jam and cigarettes, which are withheld from the Russians. In meeting Allied Ambassadors with President to-day I advocated making rations same when Lindley replied ration fixed by British War Office and can not be changed, which is characteristic but unwise. Durov asked Ironside if he would send two companies Allied troops to disarm men, if so requested, and told me Ironside refused; but the latter said had not refused, but required opportunity to judge whether armed Allied forces necessary, otherwise would be blamed for fatal blow to mobilization.