File No. 861.00/2428½
Memorandum of a Conversation between the Third Assistant Secretary of State (Long) and the Chinese Minister (Koo)
The Chinese Minister called to-day and stated that the Bolshevik forces reported to have crossed the Manchurian border at Manchouli in pursuit of Semenov had not, as a matter of fact, crossed the border, but had been stopped on a warning from the Chinese general in control in that province forbidding them to cross the border, which was backed up by the stationing of Chinese troops along the border from the railroad some miles north.
He also said that he had just been advised by his Government that Chinese forces would start to-day for Vladivostok and that the Japanese and French had indicated that they would be welcome. The [Page 331] forces proceeding to Vladivostok will not exceed 2,000 in number and probably not more than 1,500, though he was not advised [as] to the exact number.