File No. 861.00/2306
The Chargé in China (MacMurray) to the Secretary of State
[Received 11.20 p.m.]
My telegram July 20, 4 p.m. Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs now advises me that the Cabinet to-day decided to dispatch to Vladivostok by the Chinese Eastern Railway 1,000 troops immediately and probably a further 1,000 in the near future. This decision to participate in the military operations is to be communicated to you and to the British, French, and Japanese Governments through the diplomatic channel. Upon the announcement of this decision to the Japanese Minister, he urged that such participation is unnecessary and that Chinese apprehend that Japan may offer objections to proposed action. Chinese Minister at Washington is being specially instructed to urge upon you the advisability of Chinese cooperation with the Allies and to bespeak your assistance in such difficulties as may be raised by Japan.