File No. 861.00/1728
The Ambassador in Russia (Francis) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 3, 6.26 p.m.]
127. I have just received telegram from Robins, whom I have asked what disposition he made of the communication other than forwarding me and whether Chicherin desired same transmitted you other than through me.
Colonel Robins, Chief of the American Red Cross Mission to Russia: The People’s Commissaire for Foreign Affairs transmits herewith the documents1 regarding the discovery of the conspiracy against the government of the Soviets in Siberia and has the honor to request you to bring to the notice of the Government of the United States that the following published documents establish the undeniable fact that in this conspiracy participated the consular representatives of America, Great Britain, and France at Vladivostok and that the diplomatic representatives of the same powers at Peking were in communication with the counter-revolutionary organization which organization calls itself the Siberian government. On the basis of the above the government of the Russian Soviet Federated Republic requests the Government of the United States:
- (1)
- If possible without any delay to recall the American consular representative at Vladivostok;
- (2)
- If possible without any delay to appoint a public open investigation of the activity of the agent, also of the participation in the said counter-revolutionary [conspiracy] of the provisionally appointed [American diplomatic] mission at Peking;
- (3)
- To declare definitely and unequivocally the policy of the Government of the United States toward the Soviet government and toward all attempts of its representatives to interfere in the internal affairs of Russia.
Please accept, Colonel, my assurances of deep regard. Acting Commissaire for Foreign Affairs, Chicherin.
Motives of [forwarding] summary of documents in later cable. Only partially received, not convincing. French Consul General, Moscow, received similar communication demanding removal French Consul, Vladivostok.