File No. 861.00/1633

The Ambassador in Russia (Francis) to the Secretary of State


110. French Ambassador, Italian Ambassador think that situation demands Allied consent to Japanese intervention immediately, or very soon, claiming that Motono speech in Japanese Diet, while affirming Japan’s willingness to intervene with Allied consent, still indicated that Japan reserves the right to intervene if Japanese interests endangered. Colleagues fear Vladivostok landing first step toward independent action and argue that Japan craving more territory and having well-equipped army and great fleet, may conclude agreement with Germany whereby former will be given Siberia and remainder of Russia be divided between German and Austrian Governments. They indicate possibility of Allies’ disagreeing if Japan takes independent step. This discussion originated by telegram of 17th instant from French Consul, Irkutsk, stating that Japanese and Chinese leaving by orders their Governments and that such action similar to that taken previous to Japanese-Russian War. I replied that I did not believe that Japan would intervene against our wishes. However, I can not close my eyes to [a] situation which gives a grasping nation a magnificent opportunity.
