File No. 861.00/3297
The Minister in Sweden (Morris) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10.37 p.m.]
3240. I have learned through the Foreign Office here that a delegation from the Province of Esthonia is proceeding to Stockholm to wait on this Legation regarding the Bolshevik situation. It is stated that the Bolsheviks are already crossing into their country from Petrograd. In connection with this, as I cabled before, there is great anxiety felt throughout the Baltic provinces and Finland as well as Scandinavia, to some extent, regarding the spread of Bolshevikism. The government here is watching the developments with anxiety.
In best-informed circles, the opinion seems to prevail that Finland should receive food so as to prevent the renewal and spread of Bolshevikism. I am informed, as I cabled, that the food conditions in Finland are appalling, and the Finnish representative in Sweden informs me that his government considers this condition a great help to the Bolsheviks.
All the Scandinavian countries wish to cooperate in every way possible to stamp out Bolshevikism, not only in their own countries, but to assist in the general cause, realizing that the spread of (this?) terror is apt to undermine their Governments.