File No. 861.00/3144
The Chargé in Sweden (Whitehouse) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 3, 1.23 a.m.]
3090. Have received note from Russian Minister here, of which following is substance:
Natural consequences of recent events would seem to be retreat of German troops from the occupied Russian provinces and recrudescence of Bolshevism would then be inevitable in these regions. Many Russian refugees have appealed to our Legations to intervene with the Allied Governments to point out this danger and obtain their consent for the German troops to remain in these territories until they can be replaced by Allied forces.
I have not wished to take any steps chiefly because the Germans themselves were urging the inhabitants of the occupied provinces to express themselves in their favor in this way and I did not wish even indirectly to comply with the views of our enemies, not being able to judge how much military interest the Germans had in remaining in Russia under the pretext of fighting the Bolsheviks. However, although absolutely opposed to the presence of German troops in any [my] country, I cannot remain deaf to the appeals of my compatriots who were worried over the fate of their relatives in these provinces, and I have therefore decided to request you to give me your support with your Government in begging it to consider among the alternatives which the Allies may take in view to preserve order in the occupied provinces, the installing at any rate an Allied command.