File No. 861.00/3050
The Minister in Switzerland (Stovall) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 28, 10.34 a.m.]
5415. Augustin Waldemar called at the Legation and informed me that he had been charged by the Lithuanian Taryba to form a Lithuanian government. He stated that before doing so he desired to get in contact with Entente and America and had therefore proceeded to Switzerland from Lithuania. Waldemar states that he had recent conference with German Chancellor who stated that arrangements for the formation of a Lithuanian government would be left to the Lithuanians but that Germany would retain military force in the country to keep order in case Lithuanians requested it. Waldemar claimed that Lithuanian people were unanimous in desiring immediate withdrawal of German troops, but upon taking such action it was important that he should know what assistance he might hope for from the Allies.
Gabrys, who has been in charge of the Lausanne “National Lithuanian Council,” has recently been disavowed by representatives of the Taryba, which has resulted in a split in the Lithuanian ranks. I shall report further in this matter.