File No. 861.00/2873
The Chargé in Sweden (Whitehouse) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 4, 3 a.m.]
2935. Kull, the Esthonian diplomatic representative here, has handed me a memorandum regarding the German outrages in Esthonia. He said that the German troops were being evacuated and that a popular uprising was likely in a few weeks although the Esthonian military organization was naturally primitive and they [Page 837] had few arms. He added, however, that they were much preoccupied by the possibility that if they got rid of the Germans the Bolshevik Esthonian Committee in Petrograd would invade Esthonia with the aid of the Red Russian Army in which case their situation would be worse than at present. He inquired at the same time whether I had yet received an answer regarding his mission concerning which I telegraphed you in my 2748, August 31, 1 p.m.