File No. 893.51/1958
The Acting Secretary of State to the American Group
Sirs: Your letter of August 6, with enclosure of copy of the agreement which is being signed by members of the new American group, has been received and carefully noted. As soon as you have heard from all the institutions on the list approved by the Department, we will be very glad to receive from you notification of the complete membership of the group.
Because of certain conditions without the control of the Department of State there probably will be some delay in arriving at a definite agreement in respect to the attitude to be taken towards any loans to China by some of the governments with whom it is proposed there should be cooperation. Pending such agreement, it is improbable that any definite data can be obtained from the Government of China in respect to their desires. Consequently there is [Page 188] no immediate prospect that the Department of State can furnish you with such definite information as to enable you to begin negotiations. However, as soon as it is possible so to do, you will be communicated with and every effort will be made by this Department to obtain international cooperation, and to ascertain the necessary data.
I am [etc.]