File No. 860c.01/42a

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Russia ( Francis)


1778. In answer to a telegram in regard to the Polish National Committee the Department has received the following from the Ambassador in Paris: [Here follows telegram No. 2591 of October 11 from the Ambassador in France.]

Department is telegraphing to say that it desires to receive a formal written request for recognition before taking any action. The Department’s telegram continues as follows: [Here follow the last two paragraphs of telegram No. 2715 of October 15.]

The foregoing is for your information and guidance. The Department is aware of the difficulties encountered by the Russian Government and is most anxious to work in entire harmony with it in regard to this matter. Please take occasion to bring to the knowledge of the Russian Government the attitude outlined in the Department’s telegram to Mr. Sharp. It is hoped that friendly and conciliatory spirit will be shown both by the committee and by the Russian Government. The Department will be glad to contribute in any way possible to the end in view.

Report promptly by wire.
