Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1917, Supplement 2, The World War, Volume I

Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1917, Supplement 2, The World War, Volume I
- Joseph V. Fuller
General Editor:
- Tyler Dennett
United States Government Printing Office
- Preface
- List of Principal Persons
- List of Papers
- Part I: The Continuation of the War—Participation of the United States (Documents 1–724)
- The Conduct of the War—Discussions Regarding Peace (Documents 1–421)
- Preparations for the entrance of the United States into the war (Documents 1–14)
- The announcement of a state of war between the United States and
Germany, April 6—Plans of cooperation with the Allied powers: the
British and French special missions (Documents 15–20)
- Severance of relations by Austria-Hungary, April 8—Efforts to maintain
relations with Turkey—Efforts to counteract agitation for peace in
Russia—Plans of naval, military, and economic assistance to the Allied
powers (Documents 21–51)
- Severance of relations by Turkey, April 20—Denials of Russia’s
intention to make a separate peace—The French plan of military
cooperation—The situation with respect to submarine warfare: naval
cooperation—The Italian special mission—The situation in Greece (Documents 52–74)
- Note and declaration of the Russian Provisional Government on the aims
of the war, communicated May 3—Message of the American Federation of
Labor to the Council of Workmen’s and Soldiers’ Deputies on the terms of
peace—Discussions with the French and British missions—Arrival of a
permanent French High Commissioner, Tardieu—Dispatch of the staff of the American
Expeditionary Force—Relations with Bulgaria (Documents 75–96)
- The President’s message of May 22 to the Russian Provisional
Government on the objects of the United States in the war—Initial
measures of active American participation in the war—The Belgian,
Rumanian, and Japanese special missions—The mission of Lord Northcliffe—Statements of the French
Premier and Senate on the terms of peace—Developments in Greece: the
abdication of King Constantine
(Documents 97–137)
- The President’s Flag Day address, June 14—The submarine situation:
American naval policy—The status of Greece—Refusal of the United States
to participate in the inter-Allied conference on Balkan affairs—The
Morgenthau-Frankfurter mission to
Europe—The struggle over electoral reform and peace terms in
Germany (Documents 138–190)
- Peace resolution of the German Reichstag, July 19—The inter-Allied
conference on Balkan affairs—Partial revelation of secret agreements
concerning Asia Minor—The American proposal of an inter-Allied naval
conference—The President’s reply to the request of the French Government
for his views on the organization of a society of nations—Various
discussions of peace terms (Documents 191–216)
- The Pope’s appeal for peace, August 1 (received August 16): views of
the Allied Governments—Appeals of Rumania for assistance (Documents 217–235)
- The President’s reply, August 27, to the Pope’s appeal for peace—The
Serbian special mission; the question of receiving a Yugoslav
delegation—The mission of Lord Reading—Semiofficial overtures for peace (Documents 236–277)
- Replies of the Central powers to the Pope’s appeal for
peace—Invitation to the American Government, October 3, to attend the
Inter-Allied Conference at Paris (Documents 278–284)
- Report, October 6, of German overtures to Great Britain through
Spain—Discussion of war aims by the Serbian Premier—Reports of
conditions in the Central Empires (Documents 285–303)
- Agreement of the United States to participate in the Inter-Allied
Conference at Paris—Dispatch of the American mission under Colonel
House, October 28—The
military situation in Italy—The ministerial crisis in Germany (Documents 304–342)
- The organization at Rapallo of the Supreme War Council, November 7;
agreement of the United States to take part—Peace overtures from the
Central Empires—American assurances to Rumania (Documents 343–369)
- Reports of the American mission to Great Britain and France—The
Inter-Allied Conference, November 29–December 3, 1917 (Document 370)
- The President’s address to Congress, December 4, recommending the
declaration of a state of war with Austria-Hungary—The policy of the
United States regarding Turkey and Bulgaria (Documents 371–380)
- The declaration of a state of war with Austria-Hungary, December 7—The
conclusion of an armistice on the Rumanian front—Interview of Special Agent Anderson with Count
Apponyi in Vienna—Other unofficial approaches by Germans
and Austrians—Discussion as to the use of American troops in
Europe (Documents 381–415)
- Receipt of translations of the “secret treaties” as published in
Russia (Documents 416–421)
- Preparations for the entrance of the United States into the war (Documents 1–14)
- Cooperation of the United States with the Allied Powers in the Provision
and Administration of Finance and in the Purchase of Supplies
(Documents 422–500)
- Suggestions as to financial aid by the British and Italian
Governments—Offer of credit to France, April 5—Requests of the British,
French, Italian, and Belgian Governments for loans under the Act of
Congress approved April 24—The first advances (Documents 422–440)
- British representations as to the inadequacy of sums provided—The
question of taking up the “Morgan overdraft”—Replies to British
representations (Documents 441–453)
- Proposal of the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitted July 19, for an
Inter-Allied Council on War Purchases and Finance and for an American
Purchasing Commission—British memorandum, transmitted July 20, in
justification of requests for increased assistance—Reply of the Allied
Governments, July 26, to the proposal for an Inter-Allied Council and a
Purchasing Commission (Documents 454–463)
- Reply of the Secretary of the Treasury, August 14, to the British
memorandum on increased assistance, urging coordination of
requirements—Constitution of the Purchasing Commission—Agreement of the
British and French Governments, August 31, to the constitution of the
Inter-Allied Council—The question of the Greek loan as a factor in
hastening coordination (Documents 464–473)
- The appointment of delegates to the Inter-Allied Council—Financial
negotiations at Paris and London through the American delegate,
project of separate councils for supplies and finance—Organization of a
single Inter-Allied Council at London, December 13 (Documents 474–500)
- Suggestions as to financial aid by the British and Italian
Governments—Offer of credit to France, April 5—Requests of the British,
French, Italian, and Belgian Governments for loans under the Act of
Congress approved April 24—The first advances (Documents 422–440)
- Cooperation of the United States with the Allied Powers in the Provision
and Administration of Shipping
(Documents 501–551)
- British, Russian, and Italian statements of shipping needs—Contact
between American and British authorities during and after the Visit of
the Balfour mission—Delegation by
the President, July 11, to the Shipping Board and Emergency Fleet
Corporation of powers for the acquisition of ships—Resolution of the
Shipping Board, communicated to the British Embassy July 24, for the
requisition of completed ships built in American yards for foreign
owners—Protest of the British Government—Suggestions from the British
and Allied Governments as to American cooperation in the utilization of
shipping (Documents 501–520)
- Requisition, August 3, of ships under construction in American
yards—Representations of the British Government, transmitted August 21,
against the requisition of ships building on British orders; reply of
the chairman of the Shipping Board, transmitted September 7; acceptance
of the measure by the British Government, October 26—Representations as
to the shipping needs of France and Italy—Special representations
regarding oil tanker tonnage—Conflict between American and British plans
for chartering Norwegian ships
(Documents 521–533)
- Shipping negotiations in connection with the Inter-Allied
Conference—Understanding for an equal division of chartered
neutral tonnage between Great Britain and the United States—Projects for
the coordination of shipping policy (Documents 534–551)
- British, Russian, and Italian statements of shipping needs—Contact
between American and British authorities during and after the Visit of
the Balfour mission—Delegation by
the President, July 11, to the Shipping Board and Emergency Fleet
Corporation of powers for the acquisition of ships—Resolution of the
Shipping Board, communicated to the British Embassy July 24, for the
requisition of completed ships built in American yards for foreign
owners—Protest of the British Government—Suggestions from the British
and Allied Governments as to American cooperation in the utilization of
shipping (Documents 501–520)
- Cooperation of the United States with the Allied Powers in the Supply and
Distribution of Food (Documents 552–574)
- Suggestions made by Mr. Hoover
in April for international cooperation—Creation of the United States
Food Administration, August 10—Establishment of the International Sugar
Committee, the Meat and Fats Executive, and the Allied Provisions Export
Commission—Delegation by the Purchasing Commission to the Food
Administration of the coordination of Allied food purchases in the
United States (Documents 552–560)
- The wheat crisis of November-December—Discussions in connection with
the Inter-Allied Conference—Representation of the United States on the
Inter-Allied Commission on Scientific Alimentation (Documents 561–574)
- Suggestions made by Mr. Hoover
in April for international cooperation—Creation of the United States
Food Administration, August 10—Establishment of the International Sugar
Committee, the Meat and Fats Executive, and the Allied Provisions Export
Commission—Delegation by the Purchasing Commission to the Food
Administration of the coordination of Allied food purchases in the
United States (Documents 552–560)
- Cooperation of the United States with the Allied Powers in the Procurement
and Distribution of Nitrates (Documents 575–587)
- The Far East in Relation to the War (Documents 588–637)
- Negotiations concerning the exportation of steel from the United
States to Japan and the chartering of Japanese ships—Negotiations
concerning advantages to be accorded China by the Allied powers and
measures to be taken by China as a belligerent; limited participation of
the United States—Allocation of German and Austrian ships seized by
China and Siam—Discussions regarding the proposed dispatch of Chinese
troops to Europe; consideration of a request for Japanese
troops—Assurance by the Chinese Government, September 28, as to
retention of control of its military resources—Arrangements for the
patrol of waters about Hawaii by a Japanese cruiser (Documents 588–615)
- Plans for the deportation of enemy subjects from China to Australia;
support by the United States—Publication of the Russo-Japanese secret
treaty of July 3, 1916 (Documents 616–637)
- Negotiations concerning the exportation of steel from the United
States to Japan and the chartering of Japanese ships—Negotiations
concerning advantages to be accorded China by the Allied powers and
measures to be taken by China as a belligerent; limited participation of
the United States—Allocation of German and Austrian ships seized by
China and Siam—Discussions regarding the proposed dispatch of Chinese
troops to Europe; consideration of a request for Japanese
troops—Assurance by the Chinese Government, September 28, as to
retention of control of its military resources—Arrangements for the
patrol of waters about Hawaii by a Japanese cruiser (Documents 588–615)
- Diplomatic and Financial Relations with Rumania (Documents 638–660)
- The Attitude of the United States and the Allied Powers toward the
Socialist Conference at Stockholm (Documents 661–689)
- United States Declaration of Respect for the Neutrality of
Switzerland (Documents 690–696)
- Relations of the United States with the Polish National Committee (Documents 697–719)
- Relations of the United States with the Armenian National
Delegation (Documents 720–724)
- The Conduct of the War—Discussions Regarding Peace (Documents 1–421)