File No. 871.51/58
The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 11, 9.30 p.m.]
1724. Your 51 to Jassy received, forwarded yesterday, suggests Roumanian experts accompany Anghelescu Washington to report Roumanian necessities and relief methods. Anghelescu here until 17th when starts Washington, stopping week in London; consequently, will not arrive there before October 10, if then, which would involve too much delay. Vopicka advised contents of your 51 and informed Anghelescu.
Answering your 1675, September 1. As stated heretofore, Russia claims is supplying Roumania with food and munitions, notwithstanding latter says such supply inadequate. If Roumania requires food, Russia, which has ample supply in southern provinces, is proper source therefor and Russia is only agency for procuring same as commandeering would be necessary. In such event Russia would probably not expect compensation from us, or if should I would not so recommend; consequently no occasion for our purchasing roubles. Roumanian Minister whose appeals continue still promises statement of necessities which suppose will soon submit. Vopicka, Anderson starting Roumania 10th accompanied by Judson whose leaving apparently quiet (situation?) here permits. They will arrive Jassy 16th and report conditions with recommendations which shall promptly transmit.