File No. 871.51/42
The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 27, 4 a.m.]
1319. For Secretary of the Treasury:
Referring to Roumanian loan, Roumanian Minister states England has been financing Roumania. Russia has advanced nothing, France little if anything. Commissioner Miclescu authorized to [Page 723] contract for supplies but not authorized to sign obligations for Roumania. Roumania very desirous to establish direct relations with us and if you decide to make loan Roumania [will] cheerfully comply with whatever conditions imposed. Can authorize commissioner there to sign obligations or secure authority to sign himself, or if preferred Bratiano, Premier and President of Parliament, and King would sign such obligations, which am inclined to advise. States furthermore Roumania mobilized 1,000,000 troops last year which seems extraordinary for country of 8,000,000 population. Says 200,000 soldiers lost by concentrated drive of Central Empires, and says confidentially Roumania forced to declare war when did by threat of Allies to abrogate treaties and on promises of support not rendered. Undoubtedly been great losses and extreme suffering now. Advise visaing contracts for which loan made and would require that tonnage to Archangel be secured and transportation thence to Roumania guaranteed, also to executing loan. Would also require that shipments be consigned direct to Government as many rumors here concerning inefficiency and other delinquencies in Roumania. That is a rich country however, producing largely grain and petroleum. They have been using our agricultural implements and well-boring machinery but purchasing same through Germany and England. Needs in such cases will be enormous when country restored. Command me if I can render further assistance. Forwarding your inquiry to Jassy.