File No. 763.72/7182

The French Ambassador ( Jusserand) to the Secretary of State


Mr. Secretary of State: My Government informs me that our General Staff is now engaged in studying the best manner of utilizing China’s assistance in promoting the cause we are jointly defending.

At present our military authorities are planning to use about 40 battalions of Chinese pioneers.

The transportation of the first contingent would be accelerated and the number of battalions to be brought later to Europe would be increased if Japanese tonnage would supplement that which we shall send from France or may procure in China.

Relaying at Port Said would be considered and the Chinese troops would be taken out of the Japanese steamers. The Allied vessels on their way back from Salonica without passengers would pick them up and carry them to destination. Under these conditions insuring safety for their own ships, it seems that the Japanese might put forth an earnest effort at sea.

My Government has telegraphed to our Ambassador to Japan about this, but it would be very glad if Your Excellency would also obligingly assist it by considering this question among those that are being discussed between the Governments of the United States and of Japan, with respect to the supplies of American steel wanted for Japanese naval construction.

Be pleased to accept [etc.]
