File No. 763.72119/577

The Ambassador in Russia ( Francis) to the Secretary of State


1217. Russian-American meeting held last night in City Duma which filled to overflowing. Ministers Foreign Affairs, Ways of Communication, Trade and Industry, and Finance attended. First three delivered ringing speeches. Minister Finance too hoarse speak. I made first speech and mentioned fear in America of Russia concluding separate peace. Thereupon there was emphatic protest against such suspicion to which I gave hearty concurrence and told of my repeated efforts to dissipate such impression in America. Have given to press my No. 1215 to you. Minister Justice just called at Embassy to apologize for not attending last night’s meeting saying he was in Reval visiting Russian Fleet which reports in good condition. He is representative of Social Democracy in Ministry and considered strongest member of Government. He voluntarily assures me that no Social Democrat in good standing favors separate peace. Minister Ways of Communication aroused greatest enthusiasm by stating that America was first to recognize new Government and did so most opportunely.
