File No. 763.72/6101

The British Embassy to the Department of State

paraphrase of telegram just received by the british embassy from the foreign office in london

It was decided at a recent meeting held in Paris that the future naval and military policy of the war was entirely dependent upon the shipping situation. After consideration it was decided that a meeting of responsible shipping representatives from Allied countries should be held as soon as possible in London in order to discuss the whole shipping problem, and especially to obtain information as to the exact amount of shipping which the Allies could dispose of during the next twelve months to meet requirements for transport of troops, maintenance, and import of all absolutely essential requirements into Allied countries.

August 10 was fixed as the time for conference. Please explain to the United States Government that it seems obvious that the proposed conference would be incomplete unless United States representatives were present. Press most strongly on United States Government the great necessity for their representation at the conference.

Please let me know as soon as possible what date United States representatives will arrive here.