File No. 763.72/7347

The Minister in the Netherlands ( Garrett) to the Secretary of State


1517. German press summary:

Berlin Lokal-Anzeiger reports that delegation of Reichstag members, Stresemann, Trimborn, Von Payer and Ebert was sent to Chancellor end of last week to express lack of confidence in him on part of Majority parties, but only Von Payer succeeded in reaching Chancellor before his departure. Chancellor said he would insist on Helfferich’s retention at all costs.

Berliner Börsen-Zeitung comments that [upon?] this report with its information, namely, that Von Payer was only member of delegation to advise Chancellor to resign and that Chancellor offered to throw Helfferich overboard if necessary. Paper states that Stresemann’s presence in delegation to Chancellor is symbol of adhesion of National Liberal Party to Reichstag Majority which that party deems advisable at this time for urgent reasons. Expected that Emperor will personally confer with party leaders who will take occasion to explain to the Monarch directly the position of their respective parties toward Michaelis.

Vorwärts reports motion introduced by Socialist Hoch at Würzburg convention for Eeichstag Socialist Party to refuse to vote war credits for present Government or any other government not expressly and equivocally accepting Socialist peace demands, etc., was defeated by vote 258 to 26. In supporting speech Hoch said he couldn’t conceive that peoples would endure another war year as patience and strength of the people were everywhere exhausted and if peace didn’t come in few weeks from above it would come from below. Signs of revolution were evident in all countries and Governments were prepared for violent defense. The scene in Reichstag when Chancellor cast out the Independent Socialist was nothing but a prelude. Worse things would happen if the revolutionary situation were accentuated and the Socialists desired to spare the German people this misfortune. The convention passed by vote of 262 to 14 resolution acknowledging principle of defense of the land, strongly [Page 274] advocating restoration Belgium as independent state and autonomy for Alsace-Lorraine, and stating that convention declines responsibility for all consequences which might result from deferment of democratic reform. Vorwärts comments that convention acknowledged in principle only the obligation to vote war credits and that if Michaelis remains in office or isn’t succeeded by more suitable man the Socialists will have full freedom of action.

Berliner Tageblatt prints article by Professor Fellbogen of Zürich suggesting that German Government immediately invite Allies and neutrals to organize tribunal for obligatory peaceable settlement of all national disputes and declare its readiness to abide by decisions of such tribunal, even during the war. Also that Germany propose that the draft of world treaty prepared by London Fabians be taken as basis for peace negotiations.

Vossische Zeitung writes on German-Dutch economic agreement that Austria is about to conclude similar agreement but will not receive half as large credits in Holland as Germany since she merely supplies Holland with lumber and some finished manufactured articles. The quantities of cattle on the hoof, especially horses and foals, and food supplies which Holland engages to supply the Central powers are very considerable. Germany and Austria are now negotiating relative to their respective shares under the new arrangements.
