File No. 763.72/7057
The Chargé in the Netherlands ( Langhorne) to the Secretary of State
[Received 5.20 p.m.]
1418. German press summary:
In speech Reichstag committee Von Kühlmann said report German supplementary note concerning Belgium was French fabrication and without vestige of truth.1 Said German reply to Pope was milestone on road national development since it was first result of cooperation between Government and Parliament. Nothing would serve better to destroy enemy legend of two sorts of policy in Germany than to continue harmonious cooperation of Government and Parliament showed in preparation reply to Pope.
Berliner Tageblatt and Vorwärts comment unfavorably Asquith’s speech claiming his peace terms unacceptable. Berliner Tageblatt protests against dilatory tactics with Prussian electoral reform bill.
Kölnische Zeitung devotes article to arrest Doctor Barthelme urging reprisals to show Government so-called land of liberty it cannot with impunity deprive German subjects of their rights. Two hundred and seventy-four cases dysentery of which 21 fatal reported in Arnsberg district week ended September 22.