File No. 763.72/7009

The Chargé in Switzerland ( Wilson) to the Secretary of State


1727. Press reports:

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National Zeitung, 25th, states well-informed Berlin correspondent Neue Badische Landeszeitung reports Pope and England know official five conditions evacuation Belgium:1 (1) independence Belgium and restoration war damages with financial German cooperation; (2) strict neutrality guarantee by Belgium, exclusion of treaties irreconcilable such neutrality; (3) guarantee against possible repeated threat 1914; (4) continuation administrative division Flanders accordance wishes majority Belgian population; (5) free exercise commercial intercourse Belgium, especially Antwerp. Germany disinterested King question.

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  1. According to press summary in the Chargé’s telegram No. 1758, Sept. 28, these conditions were reported to have been communicated in a note to the Papal Nuncio at Munich. (File No. 763.72/7049.)