File No. 763.72115/2679
The Ambassador in Turkey (Elkus) to the Secretary of State
December 21, 1916, 9 a. m.
[Received December 26, 8.30 p. m.]
[Received December 26, 8.30 p. m.]
2349. My 2333, December 14, 10 p. m. The Sublime Porte informs Embassy that the arrests of Russians are due to capture of Moslems at Terma on the Black Sea coast near Samsun by the Russian Fleet. The Sublime Porte further states that it has demanded release of these Moslems within 8 days from December 17 through the Spanish Legation, and that unless they are released the arrested Russians will be exiled to interior. Of those arrested up to 19th, all excepting 22 have been released through my personal efforts.