File No. 763.72115/2662
The Ambassador in Turkey (Elkus) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 19, 5 p. m.]
2333. During the last 3 days over 60 Russian subjects have been arrested by Turkish police here and it is stated will be sent to the interior. Embassy obtained release of 2 men 81 and 78 years old [Page 846] respectively. On the 12th instant I took up matter with Minister for Foreign Affairs, pointing out the inopportuneness of such a measure at a time when the Sublime Porte is offering peace and conciliation. Minister stated he had not heard of this measure which is probably taken by Minister of Interior as reprisal for what the Russians are doing on the Black Sea. I strongly advised him to have all these men released, and if the Russian authorities have committed any act incompatible with international law, to inform me of it so that I might telegraph you and possibly arrive at a satisfactory arrangement. He promised to talk with Minister of the Interior and inform me of result. Until now have not heard from him and am informed the arrests continue. Police also had stated present arrests were retaliatory measures. It is a well-defined rumor that the Sublime Porte has been greatly provoked at Trepoff’s speech and alleged statements concerning Russia’s aims in regard to Constantinople and this is the reply.