Liability to military service upon return to Italy of (1) naturalized American citizens of Italian birth; (2) persons born in the United States of Italian parents before the naturalization of the parents. Dual citizenship. Detention in Italy of wives and children of naturalized citizens of Italian birth. Correspondence relating to negotiation of a naturalization convention 1

1. Continued from For. Rel. 1915, pp. 554584.

[482] Chargé Jay to the Secretary of State

File No. 865.111/17

[483] The Acting Secretary of State to Chargé Jay

File No. 365.117/340

[484] The Acting Secretary of State to Chargé Jay

File No. 365.117/341a

[485] Chargé Jay to the Secretary of State

File No. 865.111/16

[486] Chargé Jay to the Secretary of State

File No. 865.012/4

[487] Chargé Jay to the Secretary of State

File No. 865.012/5

[488] Ambassador Penfield to the Secretary of State

File No. 365.117/362

[489] The Secretary of State to Chargé Jay

File No. 865.012/4

[490] Ambassador Page to the Secretary of State

File No. 365.117/377

[491] [Untitled]

File No. 365.117/378

[492] The Acting Secretary of State to Senator Hitchcock

File No. 365.117/335

[493] Chargé Jay to the Secretary of State

File No. 365.117/394

[494] Chargé Jay to the Secretary of State

File No. 365.117/397

[495] The Acting Secretary of State to Ambassador Page

File No. 365.117/384

[496] Ambassador Penfield to the Secretary of State

File No. 365.117/395

[497] The Acting Secretary of State to Ambassador Gerard

File No. 365.117/393

[498] Ambassador Gerard to the Secretary of State

File No. 365.117/418

[499] The Secretary of State to Minister Stovall

File No. 365.117/418

[500] The Secretary of State to Senator Hitchcock

File No. 365.117/335

[501] Ambassador Page to the Secretary of State

File No. 365.117/452

[502] Ambassador Penfield to the Secretary of State

File No. 365.117/443

[503] Ambassador Page to the Secretary of State

File No. 365.117/459

[504] Ambassador Penfield to the Secretary of State

File No. 365.117/469

[505] The Secretary of State to Ambassador Sharp

File No. 365.117/469

[506] Ambassador Sharp to the Secretary of State

File No. 365.117/475