File No. 319.1123L25/19.

The Secretary of State to Minister Price.

No. 191.]

Sir: The Department has received your No. 634, of the 4th instant, in which you request an expression of the opinion of the Department in regard to the suggestion made by Señor Lefevre that a representative of the United States Government be designated to be present at the further investigations and any prosecutions which may follow on account of the events connected with the Colon riot of April 2, 1915.

The Department believes that it would be well for a representative of the military authorities of the Canal Zone to attend the prosecutions of persons accused of guilty connection with the riot mentioned, [Page 1218] but is of the opinion that such representative should take no part with the Panaman authorities in the conduct of such prosecutions.

I am [etc.]

For the Secretary of State:
Frank L. Polk.