File No. 819.74/72.

Minister Price to the Secretary of State.

No. 555.]

Sir: Referring to my despatch No. 458 of March 31, 1915, reporting that the Secretary of Foreign Relations had stated to me that the Director of the London International Radio Convention had requested the transmission to him of the rules and regulations adopted by Panama with reference to wireless telegraphy and wireless stations within its jurisdiction, I have the honor to report that, after twice asking at opportune times Señor Lefevre for a copy of said communication and his promising to send it, I have received a note from him stating that the Secretary of Government and Justice of Panama had answered said Director

that the rules adopted are the same that have force in the United States of America by reason of them having taken charge, according to the convention celebrated with Panama, for the service of wireless communication.

A copy of said note and its translation are enclosed.

I have [etc.]

Wm. Jennings Price.
[Page 1158]

The Secretary of Foreign Affairs to Minister Price.

No. S–7190.]

Mr. Minister: I have the honor to confirm the declaration made to your excellency in our interview of yesterday, that at the commencement of the month of April last the Director of the International Bureau of the Wireless Telegraph Union addressed the Secretary of Government and Justice declaring to him that Panama would adhere to the rules of the International Wireless Telegraph Convention from the 14th of July, 1914, which has been brought to the knowledge of the Governments that form part of the Union, in circular No. 1 of March 1, 1915.

As this Director solicited at the proper time the laws and decrees that regulate our wireless service, the Secretary of Government and Justice has answered him that the rules adopted are the same that have force in the United States of America, by reason of them having taken charge, according to the convention celebrated with Panama, of the service of wireless communication.

I take [etc.]

E. T. Lefevre.