File No. 312.51/137.


No. 1531.]

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of August 23 stating [etc.]

In reply I have the honor to say that on August 26 the Department telegraphed to the American Consular Agent at Torreon instructions to investigate and report regarding the matter, and to advise the Department fully and promptly if the cotton should be confiscated hereafter.

The Department will not fail to inform you promptly upon the receipt of a reply.

Respecting the expressed desire of your Government that the customs authorities of the United States be directed to hold this merchandise, in the event of its importation into the United States, I regret to inform you that the Department has heretofore been advised by the Secretary of the Treasury that there is no authority of law under which customs officers could take such action. It would seem, therefore, that the owners of the cotton in question might think it advisable to employ legal counsel, with a view to instituting proceedings in the appropriate court or courts in an endeavor to recover possession of their property should it be brought into the United States.

Accept [etc.]

Robert Lansing.