File No. 701.5212/12.

Special Agent Silliman to the Secretary of State.


Spanish Minister left this morning for Vera Cruz. Should arrive approximately 9 o’clock p.m. I understand the motives influencing the Diplomatic Corps in making representation to their various Governments are: the unfriendly attitude of the Carranza Government; the futility of representations to any government; the general prevailing condition approaching anarchy; and the possibility of the complete isolation of the city. The first reason does not appear as entirely sufficient because the Constitutionalists’ occupation here seems indifferent to them and [omission?] for other reasons the other governments have given due consideration to the diplomatists though scarcely anything has been obtained in response to representations. If the diplomatists do decide to leave, could the Department devise some plan for me to remain as an observer only, making reports by code if permitted to use it?
