Elle No. 812.00/16188.

Consul Simpich to the Secretary of State.


Raids into Arizona and thefts of American horses and cattle by bands of Mexicans are increasing. Raids are made by both Villa and Carranza troops, now camped near boundary. Calles refuses answer complaints, saying has orders Carranza hold no communication with Consuls. Maytorena apparently unable compel his subordinates to return animals stolen from American side, such animals being now sorely required by his army. More than thousand American soldiers now concentrated Nogales, Arizona, but understand they have orders leave policing of county to civil authorities. Result is Mexicans raid practically without opposition.

Respectfully urge that Department seriously consider giving military more authority with orders to station detachments at points on border east and west of Nogales. Driven by necessity, raiders growing bolder; and obviously civil authorities, lacking numbers and organization, cannot keep raiders out of Arizona or protect American property. Today Maytorenistas crossed border within four miles Nogales escaping with twenty American horses. Unless immediate adequate military action is taken possibly a situation may early develop not unlike that now existing all Texas border. This after conference with sheriff of Santa Cruz County, who says, if military does not patrol line to prevent depredations, he must organize civilian body for that purpose. Present situation is not critical but in my opinion may become serious unless military is given more authority.
