File No. 812.00/14849.

The Acting Secretary of State to Special Agent Carothers.


Your despatch March 27. Inform Villa and Lombardo that, apparently, only authority of law given President to close an American port is in case of insurrection in district where such port is located.

Inform Villa this Government has not endeavored to prevent his attack on Matamoros or Nuevo Laredo, although it is extremely [Page 798] solicitous for the safety of its citizens across the border from those places, and has therefore communicated an earnest warning to the opposing commanders at Matamoros and Nuevo Laredo that they must conduct their warfare in such manner as not to menace the lives of Americans on American territory. The Carrancista commander at Nuevo Laredo has promised to comply with our request and to conduct operations several miles from the city.

Robert Lansing.