File No. 812.00/12787.

The Brazilian Minister to Mexico to the Secretary of State.


119. I have the honor to transmit hereby the following from Carranza, which leaves no hope for peaceful transfer of power:

Federal troops to remain only till the approach of the revolutionary troops, when they must retire hurriedly. Guaranties cannot be given them. Armed police may remain with arms to assist in the maintenance of law and order. Carranza promises that he will arrive in Mexico City with the least possible delay, to control political situation.

I am asked by President Carbajal to beg you to transmit following message of the Minister of War to Carranza wherever he may be. He approves proposed plan provided that full assurances already given by Constitutionalists of its fulfillment, and that forces remaining against Zapatistas could also retire and join army without molestation.

Mexico, August 8, 1914.

I beg you to reconsider the last decision given regarding the army, which does not intend to be an obstacle to the transfer of power to the new government but will, rather, loyally support it. If proceedings against it are carried to extremes the revolution will continue and it is now indispensable patriotically to seek the way to stop further bloodshed, this being the object of concentrating my forces without resistance to the advance of Constitutionalists. If you accept support of the army, a portion of it will remain to check entry of Zapatistas, and a way will be sought for entry of Constitutionalists into the capital without friction with Federals, who will withdraw if necessary pending their final disposition. Personally I beg you to take into consideration the dangers to which a different course will give room, and the best assurance I can give that I will live up to my promise is my invariable loyalty to all constituted governments. The disbanding of the army will at this moment intensify a great danger to the country.

J. R. Velasco.

Cardoso de Oliveira