File No. 312.11/4015.
The Secretary of State to Consul Canada.
Washington, May 4, 1914.
Your April 30. Direct telegram undated received by Department May 3 from Brazilian Minister Mexico City states:
There are now 1,500 Americans in city wishing to leave. This morning at 3 some 160 Americans came from Guanajuato and expressed their appreciation for the kind manner in which they were treated and protected by Governor Cuellar. I am now awaiting conclusions of registration of Americans wishing to leave country to provide trains for them. The Mexican Government has promised me as many trains as may be needed to take Americans out of Mexico. They are in no way harassed by the Government and the few cases in which arrests of Americans have occurred I have been able to secure their release. Up to the present time no assassinations of Americans have happened. They are in no danger if they behave themselves and follow my instructions to avoid public gatherings and stay in closed quarters until I have secured a sufficient number of them to send out a train or several sections thereof. The American colony is assisting me efficiently and so far a great number of Americans feel so certain of their safety that they refuse to leave the country. I, however, [Page 682] counsel them to go as a matter of precaution. Unless something unexpected should happen the Department may feel at ease with reference to the safety of those who remain here and the facility to get out for those who wish to leave.