The Secretary of State to President Wilson
My Dear Mr. President: I had a long conversation this afternoon with Senator Stone63 in regard to our relations with the belligerent countries, and I am disturbed at his attitude. He clearly indicated after we had talked awhile that he thought that we were bearing too severely upon the Teutonic Allies and were not pressing Great Britain as strongly as we should in insisting upon observance of our trade rights. When I suggested that loss of life seemed to me to require more drastic treatment than loss of property, he replied that they both involved rights I said to him that the right of life was an inherent right, the loss of which could never be indemnified, but that the right of property was a legal right, which could be fully remedied by an indemnity. I could see, however, that this in no way satisfied him, for he then referred to German babies dying because Great Britain would not allow us to send them condensed milk, and followed it up with dyes, potash, etc., etc.
This seems to me a serious matter, for, while I believe the Senator will not oppose the policies of the Administration, I do not think he will support them whole-heartedly or enthusiastically. This is especially unfortunate with Senator Lodge radically pro-Ally at the head of the minority of the committee, and ready to take advantage of a situation which offers possibilities of political advantage.
Probably Senator Stone is influenced by the fact that he has a considerable German constituency, which he wishes to keep in good [Page 222] humor, but whatever the reason, his ideas of our neutral duty will make it difficult for him to deal with our foreign affairs in a way that will strongly support the Administration and carry through its policies.
I hope that you will find it possible as soon as you return to Washington to ask Senator Stone to come and see you and see if something can not be done to change his attitude, as it will otherwise make the situation one which will be hard to handle. I do not think the case one which permits much delay.
Faithfully yours,
- Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.↩