File No. 812.00/2755.
The American Ambassador to the Secretary of State.
Mexico, February 7, 1912—10 p.m.
There are indications of common action in the border States excepting Tamaulipas. Casas Grandes has rebelled against Government; Government anticipates worse situation at Ciudad Juárez; 1,500 insurgents threaten Santa Rosalía; strikes at the Madero establishments at Parras; unconfirmed reports of troubles in Matamoros, opposite Brownsville; Federal authority nonexistent in Chihuahua. In the south the same situation prevails: outbreaks in State of Vera Cruz; practical anarchy in Michoacán; disturbances in Hidalgo. In this city there is almost universal lack of confidence in the Government; unrest and apprehension are profound; press violent and inflammatory in its attitude toward Government, and portions of it anti-American.