Reply of Mr. Knox.
Mr. Mayor: Speaking for myself, sir, and for the members of my party, I wish to express our deepest sense of appreciation for the cordiality of the reception by the officials of the Republic of Haiti, and I wish to place especial emphasis upon the kindliness and cordiality with which we have been received by the people of Haiti. I can assure you, sir, that this has been no more gratifying to us than it will be to the President of the United States and to the people of the United States when I communicate to them the character of our reception here this morning. You have stated most eloquently one of the main reasons why my visit here is one that ought to be not only of advantage to you but of advantage to us, and that is the necessity, because of the proximate completion of the Panama Canal, for the republics and the peoples that are to be benefited immediately by the opening of that great highway to be [Page 543] brought closer together through the means of a more intimate personal acquaintance. I am more than satisfied in the few moments that I have been in Haiti that my visit here will be eminently agreeable. Before concluding, sir, I beg to express for Mrs. Knox her and my own deep appreciation for the graceful compliments you have paid her in your address of welcome and for all of us our gratitude for your extreme cordiality.