File No. 814.51/196.
The Secretary of State to the American Chargé d’Affaires.
Washington, December 11, 1912.
Sir: The Department encloses for your confidential information a copy of a signed memorandum delivered to the British Ambassador on December 3, 1912, on the subject of the Guatemalan financial situation. A copy of the British Embassy’s note of November 13, upon which the memorandum is based, is also enclosed.
The Department is now informed by the Guatemalan Minister that Guatemala and the bankers, are now in accord as to the terms of the loan contract; that the contract will be ready for transmission to Guatemala by December 21st; and that President Estrada Cabrera intends to call a special session of the Assembly for its consideration.
Should such a course appear necessary or advisable at a later date the Department will instruct you by telegraph to make the contents of the memorandum known to the Government of Guatemala.
I am [etc.]