File No. 814.51/190.
The Acting Secretary of State to the British Ambassador.
Washington, October 29, 1912.
My dear Mr. Ambassador: I write to acknowledge your letter of the 19th, received at the Department during my absence from the city, in which you inquire whether any further communication has been received by the Department from the Guatemalan Government relative to the proposed settlement of its foreign financial obligations or indicating its attitude in the matter.
As officials of the Latin-American Division had the pleasure of an interview with Mr. Kerr on the 26th instant and were thus able, I trust, to explain the present status of the matter, permit me to add [Page 507] that we now await with interest an expression of the opinion of your Government as to the proposed settlement with American bankers who, as the Department learned by telephone yesterday, are again conferring with the Minister of Guatemala in this country.
With kind regards [etc.]