File No. 814.51/167A.

The Secretary of State to the Minister of Guatemala.

No. 9.]

Sir: The Government of the United States, as you well know, has long been impressed by the necessity for the rehabilitation of the finances of Guatemala as being evidently indispensable to the discharge of its international obligations as it is also essential to the adequate development of its resources and its participation in the commercial progress of Central America.

In view of the assurance of the President of Guatemala, renewed in April last to the American Minister, that it was His Excellency’s purpose to conclude arrangements to that end before the adjournment of the present session of the National Assembly, the Government of the United States considers that its sincere friendship toward Guatemala demands that it inform the Government of Guatemala that since January last the Government of Great Britain has assumed a firm attitude regarding a settlement of the claims of the British bondholders, and that unless steps be taken toward such financial reorganization within the period mentioned by the President of Guatemala this Government may find it impossible further to endeavor to dissuade the Government of Great Britain from adopting such means for the enforcement of its claims as under all the circumstances may be justifiable.

Accept [etc.].

P. C. Knox.