File No. 822.124/228.
The American Chargé
d’Affaires to the Minister for
Foreign Affairs.
No. 81.]
American Legation,
July 27, 1912.
Mr. Minister: I have the honor, referring
to your excellency’s memorandum dated May 6, 1912, in negard to the
sanitation of Guayaquil, to inform your excellency that this
memorandum has been referred by the Department of State to the War
Department. The Panama Canal Commission is under the direction of
the latter Department.
The War Department reports that it finds it inexpedient that the
entire work of the sanitation of Guayaquil be undertaken by the
Panama Canal Commission, but should the Government of Ecuador so
desire, and assuming that the Commission will be furnished with the
surveys made by Coignet and that these surveys are sufficiently
detailed to ensure accurate estimates for engineering work, the War
Department is willing to designate a board of five members,
consisting of Colonel Gorgas, an engineer, a sanitary expert, an
accountant, and a clerk, to proceed to Guayaquil for a thorough
preliminary examination. This investigation, according to Colonel
Gorgas will necessitate the expenditure of about fifty-six hundred
dollars gold ($5600.00), as follows: transportation, $600.00;
sustenance, $1,500.00; salaries, $2,500.00; incidentals, $1,000.00;
total, $5,600.00.
Colonel Goethals, the Chairman of the Isthmian Canal Commission,
however states that twenty-five hundred dollars ($2500.00)
additional will be needed to prepare estimates of cost of
engineering work, to include sewers, water supply and pavements.
This makes a total altogether of eighty-one hundred dollars gold
The War Department can not entertain the proposition that it defray
any part of the expenses of the Board above mentioned, as
Congressional authorization would be necessary.
Should, however the Government of Ecuador desire to have the Board
make an examination of Guayaquil, with a view to the sanitation of
that city, and if it will place the funds necessary, at the disposal
of the Board it will give me pleasure to communicate this decision
to my Government, in which case it will be possible for the Board to
make its inspection and report without delay.
I avail [etc.]