File No. 822.124/191.
The American Chargé d’Affaires to the Secretary of State.
American Legation,
Quito, March 23, 1912.
Quito, March 23, 1912.
Dr. Parker arrived Quito March 20 and reports as follows:
- The essential measure for sanitation of Guayaquil include:
- Six million gallons of water supply daily from a source sixty miles distant; destruction of storage tanks in dwellings.
- Changes of construction of houses now building.
- Driving out rats with light, air and cement.
- Installation of drainage and sewerage systems.
- Present water supply diverted to the infected towns of Durán, Milagro, Yaguachi, Bucay, and Naranjito. Independent treatment of Babahoyo.
- Surveys, plans and specifications for the complete work to be made at once, accompanied by immediate campaign against the mosquito carrying the yellow fever, which can be financed out of the present monthly allowance of 20,000 sucres.
- Control of sanitary police, with power to enforce the present sanitary laws through the local authorities.
- Discontinuance of Coignet contract, which is inadequate.
The Coignet contract will expire on April 6 next.