File No. 822.124/189.
The American Chargé d’Affaires to the Secretary of State.
Quito, February 6, 1912.
Sir: The first occasion on which the present Government of Ecuador seriously discussed the sanitation of Guayaquil with this Legation, was about two weeks ago when I had been to see the Minister for Foreign Affairs about another matter.
At this interview Dr. Tobar complained very strongly about the action of the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, an English line, in transporting revolutionary soldiers from Esmeraldas and Manabí to Guayaquil during the recent revolution. He went on to say that he desired very much to see an American line of steamers between Guayaquil and Panamá, and that the Ecuadorian Government would assist in every way possible the establishment of such a line.
I replied that I was much interested in his excellency’s idea, and that possibly after the opening of the Panama Canal, some arrangement could be made by which American steamships would extend their voyages down the west coast of South America, but I pointed out that one great objection to the establishment of an American steamship line between Panama and Guayaquil was the extremely unsanitary condition of the latter city.
Another factor which has impressed the present Government with the necessity of taking some action in regard to sanitating Guayaquil, has been the large number of deaths in the Constitutional Army from yellow fever during the recent campaign.
The Coignet project for the construction of permanent public works having been approved by the Ecuadorian Congress, I suggested to Dr. Tobar that in order not [to] conflict with this contract a great deal could be done toward the sanitation of Guayaquil by the enforcement of suitable sanitary regulations in that city, and that Colonel Gorgas was the logical man to take charge of this work.
The result of these conversations was the receipt of note No. 167 dated February 5, 1912, from the Ecuadorian Foreign Office, copy [Page 423] and translation of which is enclosed herewith. From this note I prepared a memorandum which Dr. Tobar signed, the original of which is enclosed for the information of the Department.
I have [etc.]