File No. 822.00/292.]
The American Chargé d’Affairs to the Secretary of State.
Quito, March 18, 1912.
Sir: I have the honor to inform the Department that there is much uncertainty in the present political condition in Ecuador. The events of the last few months have removed all the Liberal leaders with the exception of General Plaza. In the ordinary course of events this gentleman would be elected as there is now no candidate opposing him for the presidency of the Republic. General Plaza has very many enemies in the Conservative party, who are opposed to him on account of his Liberal attitude in regard to the Church during his last administration, and in his own party those who are against him for personal reasons. Some even accuse him of being responsible for the death of General Julio Andrade. Many threats of personal violence to General Plaza have been made and, considering the lawless condition of the country, it is not impossible that some such attempt may be made.
Should General Plaza be killed, the condition of affairs would be most grave. There would surely be much violence between the different factions who, being unable to agree on a leader, would fight among themselves, and the Conservative or Clerical party would [Page 406] seize the opportunity to attack the Liberals. A state of affairs closely resembling anarchy would result.
As a proof that much anxiety is felt by all classes, I have the honor to inform the Department that several individuals have requested asylum in this Legation in case of further disturbance in Quito. To everyone who has asked for asylum I have replied that the Department of State deprecates the granting of asylum except where it is absolutely necessary from the point of view of humanity, to save life; that I could not discuss a hypothetical question of future danger but must decide each case on its merits as it arose; and I strongly urged the individuals in question to adopt every other means of securing their safety in case of trouble instead of coming to this Legation, as I desired to hold absolutely aloof from all internal questions.
I have [etc.]