File No. 822.00/184.]

The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

[Paraphrase of telegram forwarded from Bogotá January 6, 1912, by the American Minister to Colombia.]

General Eloy Alfaro, at Panama,1 is said to be conspiring against the Government of Ecuador, which requests the Government of the United States to take the necessary steps to prevent Alfaro’s departure from Panama.

The forces of Montero2 are reported as far north as Huigra; several thousand Government troops are between Aloa and Riobamba. [Page 393] Such ports as may fall into the hands of the revolutionists are closed to commerce, officially, but the Government is unable to enforce blockade. Telegraphic communication between Guayaquil and Quito is cut off and railroad traffic suspended.

  1. Alfaro arrived at Guayaquil on January 2; see introductory note.
  2. Should have been Flavio Alfaro’s forces; see introductory note.