File No. 839.00/773.]


The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

No. 238.]

Sir: I have the honor to inform you that the political situation is far from satisfactory, although probably less complicated than it was a few weeks ago.

Desiderio Arias is now in Santiago with an armed force of eight hundred men awaiting a favorable solution of his demands. The Horacistas have been apparently quiet since the open proclamation of Horacio that he would retire. Luis Felipe Vidal called on me this morning and stated that he was in complete accord with the Archbishop; that he was sure that he could control Desiderio, and that he was sending to-morrow a commissioner to confer with him.

The Archbiship is doing his best to establish peace in the country by peaceful methods. Everything is quiet in the south and east. [Page 380] The Government has expended up to date about three thousand dollars ($3,000) in the purchase of arms from various revolutionary groups.

In the Cibao, Desiderio is a menace and the state of affairs there is most unsatisfactory. Don Emiliano Tejera and his group are causing much trouble at the capital.

Federico Velásquez has returned and stated to the Archbishop that he is unqualifiedly a supporter of the present provisional government.

I have [etc.]

William W. Russell.