File No. 211.35R66.

The Argentine Minister to the Secretary of State.

Mr. Secretary of State: One Oscar Pio Romero, charged before Dr. Juan R. Seru, criminal judge of the Argentine capital, with obtaining large sums of money by false devices, escaped on November 21 last from the police department of Buenos Aires.

My Government has sent to the Legation the description I have the honor to inclose, with a request that the Secretary of State be pleased to forward it to the appropriate authorities, so that if there is no objection the Legation may learn whether the man is on American territory and so inform its Government, for such action as it may deem proper.

Thanking [etc.]

R. J. Naón.

The Secretary of State to the Argentine Minister.

No. 21.]

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 29th ultimo inclosing a description of one Oscar Pio Romero, who is charged with obtaining large sums of money by false devices and who escaped on November 21 last from the police authorities of Buenos Aires, and requesting to be informed whether the man is on American territory.

In reply I have the honor to advise you that such inquiry as is practicable will be made to ascertain whether the accused is in this country. It should be said, however, that this Department is not, under the system of jurisprudence in the United States, able to afford effective assistance in the matter of apprehending fugitives from justice of foreign countries, and the search for and location in this country of offenders against the laws of other countries is generally accomplished by the agency of private detectives, with such aid as the local police can from time to time give in the ordinary course of their duties.

Accept, [etc.]

P. C. Knox.