File No. 738.8915/96.]
The Acting Secretary of State to the American Minister to Haiti.
Washington, March 1, 1912.
Your January 8 and subsequent correspondence. You will state in positive terms to the Minister for Foreign Affairs that numerous reports have reached this Government ascribing to Haitian frontier authorities, particularly to General Zamor,1 participation in the revolution headed by Arias, adding that on account of the special relations of the Dominican Republic to this Government the latter views with concern any disturbance of the peace of that Republic, and confidently expects that the Government of Haiti will take energetic steps to assure a neutral attitude on the part of its officials on the northern frontier.
- Charles Zamor, general commanding the Leconte revolutionists who on July 17, 1911, drove out President Simon; see For. Rel. 1911, pp. 281–290.↩