File No. 837.6112/22.
The American Consul General to the Secretary of State.
Habana, October 30, 1912.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of the Department’s instruction No. 306 of October 24, 1912, with the several inclosures, all relating to the concession originally granted to the Compañía Agricultora de Zapata.
In accordance with the instruction I will attempt an investigation and report upon the subject, but I must state in advance that in order to obtain the facts upon which a satisfactory conclusion as to the issues between the Department and the representative of the former concessionary company could be based, it will probably be necessary for me to go to the Zapata Swamp region, and perhaps into the swamp itself, which implies time, since until the dry season comes the district is practically inaccessible. But little light upon the matter could be gained in Habana, where of the actual conditions, characteristics and topography of the swamp about as much is known as of Central Africa.
However, I will gather such data as may be available here and in other cities, and later will inform the Department whether it will be necessary to go to the swamp. I do not believe that much haste in the matter is enforced by consideration of the interests of the would be concessionary company, for I am well assured that no member of the group is anxious or in a hurry to go there, and I do not believe that any representative can get to work in the region in the immediate future unless he uses an aeroplane or hydroplane, or some such craft.
I have [etc]