File No. 837.6112/4.

The American Minister to the Secretary of State.

No. 343.]

Sir: In pursuance of the Department’s telegraphic instruction of July 17, I have today addressed a note to the President of Cuba in regard to the Zapata Swamp Concession, of which I have the honor herewith to transmit a copy and translation.

I have [etc.].

A. M. Beaupré.

The American Minister to the President of Cuba.

No. 1041.]

My Dear Mr. President: In pursuance of instructions from my Government, I have the honor to inform you that, upon such examination as my Government has been able to make of the so-called Zapata concession as contained in Decree No. 556, dated June 18 and published in the Gaceta Oficial of June 21, 1912, the project seems so clearly ill-advised and improvident and such a reckless wasting of public revenue and of natural resources which Cuba can ill afford to lose, that my Government is impelled to express to the Cuban Government its strong disapproval of the scheme and its firm conviction that, upon final consideration, the Cuban authorities will not suffer a measure so inimical to the interests of the Cuban people to be put into operation.

It affords me great pleasure, my dear Mr. President, to renew [etc.].

A. M. Beaupré.